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Created Date: 15-May-2014

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Last updated: 3-Mar-2024

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# 1. 12 or 14 Tribes of Israel, 2. 144,000 Jewish Virgin Male Witnesses 3 1000 Year Millennial Kingdom of Christ 4 1 and 2 Maccabees 5 Daniel's 69 Weeks Predicted the Messiah & 70th Week of Daniel 6 613 laws of the Old Testament, 7 1290 Days and 1335 Days of Daniel 12:11-12 8 400 Years in Egypt 9 7 multiplied by 70
A 1 Age of Accountability, 2 Annihilation, 3 Ark Rest on Ararat, 4 Ark of Covenant,5 Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia, 6 Abel 7 Adultery, Cheating & Affairs, 8 Apostles, 9 Adam Lineage and Christian Message, 10 Adam and Eve, 11 Animals, 12 Antichrist, 13 Age of Earth, 14 Arthritis, 15 Adolph Hitler Antichrist, 16 Astronomy, 17. Astrology 18. Avenger of Blood, 19 Afraid, 20 Abomination of Desolation - Antiochus IV Epiphanes 21 Alexander the Great, 22 Apocrypha 23 Appearance of Mary in recent times? 22 Angels 23 Avenger of Blood 24 Apocrypha 25 Ancient Relics All Over the Earth 26 A Day For a Year 27 Book "Alien Interview" 28 Two Armageddon Events 29 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 30 Abortion and Adult Human Body Part Harvesting
B 1 Book of Jashar and others, 2 Singularity and the Big Bang Theories 3 Bronze Basin, 4 Biblical Source Text, 5 Blood Line of Jesus Christ, 6 Brazen Serpent, 7 Bible Source Text, 8 Blood Curse, 9. Book of Life, 10. Borax, 11 Bulls of Bashan 12 Before the Payment on the Cross, 13 Books of the Bible, 14 Bible Chapter and Verses 15 Bible Year of 360 Days 16 Bride of Christ 17 Qualifications of a Bishop 18 Babylon's Fate 19 Born Again / Born Anew
C 1 Communism, 2 Cross - day of week, 3 Calendar (Jewish), 4 Child Death, 5 Classical Objection Question, 6 Cain, 7 Calvinism and Arminianism, 8 Coming Prince, 9 Cross Location, 10 Cities of Refuge, 11 Caiaphas, 12 Crowns, 13 Conundrum of Socialism 12 Conservative vs. Liberal 13 Cities of Refuge 14 Can those in Heaven see us? 15 Curse of Jeconiah 16 Country Scriptural References 17 Country References in Gog and Magog 18 Carbon Dating Accurate? 19 Noah's Prophecy Curse on Canaan 20 Clothed with the Sun, Moon and Twelve Stars 21 Confounding the Wise
D 1 Death of a Son/Daughter, 2 Democracy, 3 Divorce & Relational Breakups, 4 Biblical Day, 5 Demons, 6. Dual Prophecies, 7 Crucifixion Psalm 22, 8. Double Occurrences in the Bible, the Word of God Loss Prevention and Patterns to Reveal God, 9 Democrat vs. Republican 10 Despair 11 Darwin's Evolutionary Explanation Problem 12 Daniel 70th Week Predict the Messiah 13 Dimensions in the Universe 14 Days of Creation 15 Die once?  Hebrews 9:27 meaning. 16 Death-Bed Confession and Simon Wiesenthal's Example 17 Dinosaurs
18 Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint and Masoretic Texts
E 1 Elijah in Sheol, 2 Enoch in Sheol, 3 Enoch, 4 Esau, 5 Evolution, 6. E=mc , 7. Emotions are not to be trusted, 8. Earth News 9 Elijah 10 Encryptions 11 Book of Enoch 12 Expositional Consistency 13 Qualifications of an Elder 14 Easter - Crucifixion and Resurrection 15 Did God Create Evil? 16 External References to People, Places and Events to the Scriptures
F 1 Fascism, 2 Fallen Nature, 3 Friend of God, 4 Forgive Murder? 5. Fallen Angels, 6. Figures of Speech, 7. Four Greatest Sins 8 Mediums, Fortune Tellers, S ance, Necromancy, 9 Fear, 10 Foolish Virgins 11 Faith 12 Fullness of the Gentiles 13 Forgiveness instead of Revenge 14 Freewill vs. Predestined 15 Forbidden Tree, Why Was It There? 16 Friendship with Others and Especially Christians 17 Five Sins to Avoid 18 Fermi Paradox 19 Forgiving 490 Times 20 490-Year Patterns in the Scriptures 21 Forgiving Others
G 1 Gematria, 2 Generational Curse, 3 Gehenna, 4 Great Pyramid, 5 Gog and Magog, 6 Good People Argument, 7 Gout, 8 God Changes Not, 8 God exists outside of time, 9. Gap Theory 10 Grace and Mercy 11 Governing and Society Topics 12 Genocide against Israel 13 Great White Throne of Judgment 14 God does not change 15 God's Greatest Problem 16 Garden of Eden 17 Growing Older 18 Gabriel 19 Generations in the Bible 20 Gravity 21 The Great Lie 22 Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Lineage)
H 1 Hell, 2 Human Sacrifice, 3 High Sabbaths,  4. Human Beings are made up of three parts. 5 Homosexuality and Lesbianism 6 Hebrew Language 7 Hope 8 Harpazo 9 Hebrew Vowels 9 Humanzees Experiments
I 1 Illegal Immigration, 2 Is mankind immortal?, 3 Inner (spirit) part, 4. Internet and Electronic Data 5 Isaiah 53 - Holy of Holies of the Old Testament 6 Israel to flee to Petra in the Mountains during the Tribulation Period
J 1 Book of Jasher and Book of Seven Divisions. 2. Jesus Christ's linage, 3. Jesus Christ's childhood, 4 Judgment Seat of Christ, 5  Jephthah's daughter human sacrifice?  No 6 Curse of Jeconiah 7 Judas Iscariot 8 Josephus Flavius (external link) 9 Titles of Jesus Christ 10 Jesus Christ the last Adam 11 Jesus the Christ, the Son of God and God 11 The Reason why Jesus Christ left the Earth the first time 12 Joseph of Arimathaea 13 Joseph son of Israel, His part in Building the Nation of Israel
K 1 Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God, 2 Kings of East 3 Karma 4 Knowing Evil for the First Time in Eternity Past 5 King David of Israel 6 Idolatry
L 1 Lose Salvation? 2. Light; 3. Lucifer, 4 Loneliness 5 Lamech kills a boy, 6 Lucifer still active against Israel, 7 Lucifer's Antichrist, 8 Last Supper 9 Labors In The Vineyard 10 Lamb's Book of Life 11 Long Day of Joshua 12 Lineage of Jesus Christ 13 Light 14 Lot, the Nephew of Abraham
M 1 Murder, 2 Magi, 3 Two Marys at the empty Tomb when Jesus Christ had risen - 4 versions, 4 USA - Medicine, 5 Magic does not exist, 6 Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, should be Venerated? 7 Moses in Sheol, 8 Melchizedek, 9 Methuselah, 10. Marriage and the needs of the man and woman, 11 Mazzaroth - Message in the Stars, 12 Magi, 13. Media Bias 14 Medical Research Industry 15 Moses 16 Murder 17 Mary have other children? 18 Mark of the Beast 19 Monkey to Human-Being Frauds 20 Mark Chapter 16 did NOT have verses added
N 1 Nephilim, 2 Mediums, Fortune Tellers, S ance, Necromancy, 3. Nebuchadnezzar 4 Non-Elected Individuals Run Countries 5 Narrow Gate that only God's Children can Enter 6 Noah's Ark rests on day before Christ's Resurrection 7 Nimrod 8 Nicodemus 9 New Earth and New Heavens
O 1 Oppression, 2 Other Books mentioned in the Scriptures which there are no copies 3 Offerings, Tithe and Blood Sacrifice 4 Our new bodies
P 1 Pictures of Jesus, 2 Abuse of Power, 3 Pornography Solution, 4 Possession, 5. Prayer, 6 Praying for Salvation, 7.  Patterns in the Scriptures, 8 A Political Hypocrite 9 Political Correctness, 10 Physically Fit, 11 Psychological Disorders 12 Political Party Control in the United States since the 1960s 13. Political Party Blind Allegiance 14 Pride 15 Purpose of History 16 Prodigal Son 17 Profanity 18 Qualifications of a Pastor 19 Pentecost 20 Pope 21 Political Correct 22 Priesthoods 23 Psalms 2, Earth's Leaders Oppose God 24 Removal Reasons of a Church Leader 25 Pastors 26 Psalm 22 - The Crucifixion Psalm 27 Proofs of the Bible 28 Teaching in Parables Purpose 29 Pharisees and Sadducees 30 Pagan Christianity 31 Parable of Talents and Parable of Minas
Q 1 Quantum Entanglement as Part of E=mc , 2 Quantum Entanglement as Part of Time Travel, 3 Quantum Mechanics Shows an Attribute of God
R 1 Cities of Refuge, 2 Republic, 3 Rewards in Heaven, 4 Repent, 5. Revelation 1:7, 6. Revenge 7. Roles in our marriage relationships 8 Democrat vs. Republican, 9 Racism, 10 Racism Test, 11 Rapture 12 Read Minds? 13 Remorse 14 Replacement Theology over Israel 15 Remote Viewing 16 Religious Hypocrisy by non-Christians 17 Reincarnation, is Behind the Killing of Countless Lives 18 Reincarnation, Enabling Murder and Last War 19 Releasing Pain of the Past Technique 20 Red Sea Crossing by Israel
S 1 Satan, 2 Socialism, 3 Salvation, 4 Lose Salvation?, 5 Salvation Process, 6 Seven Churches mapped with the Kingdom Parables, 7 Successful Christian Living, 8 Bronze Serpent, 9 Shroud of Turin, 10 Suffering, 11 Space Travel, 12 Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, 13 Sodom and Gomorra, 14 Supplements / Vitamins, 15 Sabbath, 16 Serial Killers 17 Suicidal 18 Science Topical 19 Sheep and Goat Judgment 20 Sex 21 Seven Divisions Book 22 Scepter Shall Not Depart Judah 23 Sin of Mankind vs. Fallen Angels 24 Spirit, Soul and Body 25 Sanhedrin. 26 Sowing and Reaping 22 Steven (or Stephen) the Disciple 23 Son of Man Title of Jesus Christ 24 Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Two Events 25 Secret Sins 26 What is Sin and what is Truth? 27 Slavery in the Scriptures 28 Strong Holds
T 1 Tartarus, 2 Tempting/Testing, 3 Three Kings, 4 Teenager Death, 5 Time Domains, 6 Third Commandment, 7 Talmud, 8. Tribulation Purpose, 9. Two Scripture References, 10 Time Travel? 11 Theophany, 12.  Tenth Man in Congregation, 13. Tribulation Period 14 Tithe, Offerings and Blood Sacrifice 15 Thief on the Cross 16. Ten Commandments 17 Ten Dimensions 18 Tree Of Life 19 Traditions / Christian Traditions 20 Time Periods Used in Scriptures 21 What is Sin and what is Truth?
U 1 UFO/UWO, 2 United States in the Bible, 3 USA Political Party Control in 2018 4. Under the Laws of the Old Testament 5 Unpardonable Sin? 6 Age of the Universe
V 1 Volume of the Book, Vendyl Jones
W 1 Water, 2 Worship, 3 Wipe Away Our Tears, 4 War, 5. Where did God come from?,  6. WWII model of Tribulation and Peaceful People Belief, 7 Women friendships with other women 8 Weather Links, 9 Wedding Supper of the Lamb, 10 Great White Throne of Judgment 11 Works 12 Why Does God Allow Suffering 13 Wars of the Lord 14 Woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy 15 Wives have 100% of the responsibility 16 Wipe Away Bad Memories for God's Angels against the Fallen Angels? 17 Woman Caught in Adultery 18 Wescott and Hort
Z 1 Daughters of Zelophelhad, 2 Zero Point Energy