Adam's Lineage in the Book of Genesis

Creation date: 11-Nov-2015

Gives the message of the Christian Gospel

Last updated: 10-Jun-2020

The Mazzaroth also has the Christian Gospel Message  
A A A  help


1 The Lineage Message 2 Argument Against
3 Arguments Against, Applies Equally to Both Sides 4 Evidence Points
5 The Mazzaroth carries the same message    

The lineage from Adam to Noah in the Book of Genesis points to mission and glory of Jesus Christ.

The Lineage Message

The original pronunciations and sometimes even the spellings of the names of peoples in history have usually been a problem in the Bible and other historical documents in antiquity.   Over time we have sometimes transliterated the meanings by the pronunciations, what has resulted in spelling changes and possibly the original meaning being lost. 

The definition of "transliterated" is " write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language."  Given time, we have often lost the original meaning and can only speculate the meaning in many of the names in the Book of Genesis. 

Fortunately, when working with Hebrew, albeit some of the letters have changed, the letters carry meanings unlike any other language in the earth.  A distant but not equal comparison is the Chinese Mandarin (along with dialects) that have pictographic letters.

In Genesis 5, the lineage of Adam is given:

  Scripture Reference Lineage Hebrew Years lived General Meaning(s) Generality Word
1 Gen 5:1 Adam אדם 930 "Man".  Small possibilities "Acre Man", "Red Man", "Blood Man", "Soul Man" or "Living Creature" Man
2 Gen 5:4 Seth שת 912 Gen 4:25 "appointed me another offspring".   Very small possibility it means "Buttocks" or "Tumult" Appointed
3 Gen 5:6 Enosh אנוש 905 "Mortal", "Frail" and/or "Miserable" Mortal
4 Gen 5:9 Kenan קינן 910 To Lament or "Lamenter".  "Sorrow", "dirge" or "Elegy" Sorrow
5 Gen 5:12 Mahalelel מהללאל 895 "Praise of God", "Praise the Blessed God" Blessed God
6 Gen 5:15 Jared ירד 962 "Descent", "Descend", "Shall come down" Shall come down
7 Gen 5:18 Enoch   365 but Raptured "Commencement" or "teaching" Teaching
8 Gen 5:22 Methuselah   969 "His death shall bring" His death shall bring
9 Gen 5:25 Lamech   777 "Lamentation" or "Despairing" the Despairing
10 Gen 5:28 Noah   950 "Comfort" or "rest" Comfort, Rest

If we put the meaning of the Hebrew Names together liberally: "Man is appointed mortal sorrow but the Blessed God shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing comfort."

Many scholars have pointed out that it would have been impossible for the ancient Rabbis, along with Moses, to have conspired and put the message of the Christian Gospel in the highly venerated Torah, which means God put it there.  It is the "finger prints" of the Holy Spirit behind the Scriptures.  This is just one of many types of hidden messages, encryptions, micro and macro codes in the entire Old and New Testament.

Argument Against

There are some Hebrew Scholars that believe there is no meaning in all or part of the names to form a message.  In order for the names to not have a message, then either one or both of the following two statements must be true:

  1. The names took on new meanings later which may have that interpretation, or
  2. The author, Moses by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, did not mean this interpretation at all and the people at that time of Genesis saw the person as someone with a name, and not a person that has a name with a meaning.  For example, Noah didn't mean "Comfort or Rest".

Arguments Against, Applies Equally to Both Sides

Note that there are great books on Biblical Words and their meanings, but these books suffer the same arguments against them that can be applied to the Adam hidden lineage message.  There is no one alive in present day to refute or verify what some present-day Hebrew Scholars believe on all of the historical Biblical names are accurate.  In other words, with deep respect for many great Hebrew Scholars, who have done years of research, in the end after the research, the work product is still at best an educated hypothetical theory. 

There are many Biblical names that are very discernable and the meanings almost 100% guaranteed to be accurate, but in the case of Adam's lineage, no one can be 100% positive on every name.  The Hebrew language and alphabet has changed many times and significantly around the time of the Babylonian Captivity, but that did not affect the names of people. 

Evidence Points

Regarding the aspect that a name at one time did not mean something, but later it took on that meaning after the death of the person, is a possibility.  Most if not, everyone would agree that Adam, or Adama, meant "man formed from the dust of the earth".  When Adam heard God or Eve calling him, did that mean:

This question is meant rhetorically and the answer, in this author's mind, is Adam most likely heard his name as something uniquely identifying him even though he most likely knew his name meant something.

This topic is not a point to divide or argue over in the Christian Faith.  It is close enough to be very interesting, and most likely true.  It is the belief of many Biblical Scholars that it was put there as an authentication of the Word Of God. 

As many Christians know, there are hidden encryptions and double meanings in the Scriptures that defy explanation and are being increasingly discovered through the use of Computer algorithms.  If you are walking in Faith with sincere desire to know and love God more and more each day, then this little hidden lineage in the names of Adam to Noah is a little golden treasure.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but it is the honor of kings to search out a matter.

The Mazzaroth carries the same message

The following is an excerpt from the Mazzaroth, message in the stars topic, which has nothing to do with Astrology.  God gave us the Stars and planets in the sky for
  • Proof of a Creator,
  • Signs of events occurring [not divination as astrology does],
  • For light, and
  • For navigation

Mazzaroth is the Hebrew word for "Constellations".  Many websites and books, on the Mazzaroth, describe it as:

  • Having the Gospel Message in the signs and meanings of the visible Constellations and their Decans.
  • Containing many idioms to the plan of God along with identified with the tribes of Israel shown further in this topic:  
      1 2 3 4 5 6  
    Constellation Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo  
    Sign Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Virgin  
      7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    Constellation Libra Scorpio Ophiuchus Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
    Sign Scales Scorpion Snake-wrestler Archer Goat-Fish Water-Bearer Fish
  • Believed to have the additional meaning of "The Way" in Hebrew, which is also the meaning in the ancient Sanskrit language.  There is no such thing as coincidence with matters concerning God, as this is the same expression that Jesus Christ spoke.
There are several interpretations of the full message of the Constellations and Decans meanings.  If there is a summary message, based on the Constellation names, then what Zodiac Sign is the starting point?  The tradition, according to some sources, is Virgo because of the prophecy concerning Eve in Genesis 3:15. 

The Constellation of Virgo, is considered one the oldest-known star configurations.  In the months of March and April, Virgo begins to become visible throughout the night-time hours.  This is also the time period of the Hebrew Calendar month of Nissan which was declared the starting month for the new calendar because it is the same day that Noah's Ark rests and the next day is Jesus Christ's Resurrection.

  Tribe Zodiac Zodiac Mnemonic Summary Scriptural Reference (one of many)
1 Naphtali Virgo Through the Seed of the Woman. Genesis 3:15
2 Asher Libra The Price to be paid unto death. Daniel 9:26
3 Dan Scorpio The conflict with the Serpent and evil one. Genesis 3:15
4 Benjamin Sagittarius He casts down the Dragon Revelation Chapter 12
5 Levi Capricorn Life abundantly after death John 3
6 Reuben Aquarius Spread the good news Mark 16:15
7 Gad Pisces Government by the Lamb crowned King Revelation 19:16
8 Simeon Aries Lamb found worthy, bride selected Revelation 5:12
9 Joseph and Ephraim Taurus The Ruler will come. Revelation 1:5
10 Zebulon Gemini Marriage of the Lamb Revelation 19:7
11 Issachar Cancer Everlasting Kingdom Revelation 22:1-5
12 Judah Leo Evil one no more Revelation 20:7-10

Knowing the names and positions of the constellations was very important for everyone in the history of the world until the advent of GPS navigation, because uses of the constellation and star positions in the sky was used in navigation.  The names of the Constellations and Decans conveyed meanings that were used to aid in memorization, as a mnemonic in recognizing the stars in the sky.

Many decades ago, there were lectures and shows at planetariums about the constellation's zodiac signs.  These shows would highlight or point to stars and state that when connecting the stars with lines would convey a person or animal which is how the constellations of stars got their names.  The planetarium shows depicting names has been proven to be nonsense, as there is a deeper meaning for the names.

The message that can be pieced together from the Mazzaroth, by taking the meanings of the constellations liberally is shown below.  This is the rendering by the author which is most likely very close to others. 

Through the seed of the woman, Eve, there will be a price paid by God requiring death.  The conflict with the Serpent, who is evil, is the cause.  After the death paid by God, there will be life abundantly. 

The Good News will be told all over the earth and a righteous King will be crowned that is worthy to take a Bride after the evil one is bound.

Spread the Good News, the government of the Lamb who is crowned King is coming, who will have a bride in the people that will usher in an everlasting Kingdom, where evil is eliminated.

What to read next?

(a) The Tenth Man, Blotted out and the Blood Curse of Jeconiah, (b) the Royal Blood Line of Jesus Christ, (c) the Daughters of Zelophehad was required for the Royal Blood Line of Jesus Christ, (d) Three Days in the Bible.