A few showcase items:

DBA Dashboard

The DBA Dashboard was designed, owned and written by Keith Montz in the year 2008 using Visual Studio C#.  Data is supplied throughout the day and nightly through automated processes or retrieves data from SCOM and other systems.  Help topics go back to 2005 with SQL Scripting examples and links to external websites along with SharePoint / Company's Doc Managment System / Folders.

These are a few of the screens from the system.

  1. Main Screen - Dashboard

  2. SQL Server DBA Administration
    A few screens from this submenu:
    (a) All Instances
    (b) All Process Running on an Instance
    (c) SQL Server Instance Services Stopped
    (d) Databases on all Instances
    (e) SQL Process Watch

  3. Oracle DBA Administration
    (a) Oracle Process
  4. Help Topic Areas and Tips
    (a) Database Tips Search Screen
    (b) View and Edit a DB Tip

  5. Passwords which are stored in encrypted format

SQL Server Drives, Folders and Maintenance

The following is information is on SQL Server Folders, Backup and Maintenance routines designed by Microsoft and augmented with additional steps by Keith Montz.

  1. All SQL Servers, except for Azure Serverless, have the exact same configuration.  When there is more than one Instance then there is subfolders
    C: Drive - Operating System
    E: Drive - SQL Server Program
    F: Drive - Data Drive.   F:\MSSQL\Data
    G: Drive - Backup Drive - G:\MSSQL\Backup
    H: Drive - Log Drive - H:\MSSQL\Log
    I: Drive - TempDB Drive - I:\MSSQL\TempDB

  2. Daily Full Backup
  3. Transaction Log Backup
  4. Weekly Maintenance - Sunday only

Azure SQL Server Administration

Azure is an increasingly feature rich system.  When I first started using it many years ago, it has expanded to enable Active Directory Roles based setting for access and Cloud backup are easily set.  If desired, on a Cloud Server, the option is still there to perform your own maintenance and backups. 

Screen captures are from my own home system that contains a very large financial system.   Currently I am working on creating an Android Application to interface to the database.

  1. Connect to Server created or use Azure's Serverless.
  2. DB Creation: Create the SQL Instance and assign Authentication Method.
  3. Creating Databases.
  4. Choose options for SQL Server.
  5. See Connection String.
  6. Use Azure Data Studio or SQL Management Studio to Connect and manage.

Application & Process Inventory System
A Must have for SQL Server and Application Administrators

The following screens are from the Application Inventory System designed by Keith Montz.  The initial main purpose of the system was to aid the Database Administrators in identifying all applications and process affected by:

The system became used Enterprise wide by Application Development teams, Help-Desk, IT Security, and all of IT for multiple location application and process sharing of information so that duplicate efforts were not done.

The System stores information on:

Below are some of the screens on the website from Version 1.  The system is now on Version 3 and has many improvements done by one the company's application development teams after it was handed-off to them, which include a newer UI with some more added features.  I still maintain the queries to SCOM, Security Badge ID Photos, Active Directory data source along with advising on advanced stored procedures in use.

  1. Entry Screen.  Defaults to the person who enters.  Textboxes are drop downs.
  2. View and Edit Screen.   Multiple links and button for more information.
  3. Server Email Screen
  4. Server Inventory
  5. Reports